Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 3: Start a New Adventure

Day 3 didn't have to be tech related and nor should it be.  I am starting my adventure to complete the Outerbanks 1/2 Marathon this coming November.  This is my journey to meet up with on November 14th.  I will have the chance to rebuild my running.  It has been at least 5 years since my last full marathon and I get to enjoy the "ride" with some great friends along my favorite coast. 

Of course this some how turns back to Education, as most items in my life do. 
100% of net proceeds are split 50/50 by the Dare Education Foundation and the Outer Banks Relief Foundation.
Check out the OuterBanks Races in November!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 2: Blog Carnival

I did it I am now on Day 2.  Interesting concept this blog carnival thang?!  The long and the short of a blog carnival that I can see is that it is a great way to get your blog noticed and get participation from interested and relevant parties.  I didn't find one that I felt like joining yet, however I am not giving up on the idea yet. 

I did find a very useful blog and carnival that I am going to recommend to the ESL teachers I will be working with in a few weeks.  The English Language Technology term was very new to me and something I have been thinking about for quite some time.  I am glad to see that there is a movement towards integrating technology to meet the needs of the English Language Learner.  Here is my new blog to follow

Best of all I really enjoyed the blog carnival post on the Q&A English-Learning Blog.  What a clever way to answer basic blog carnival questions while directing the reader to some great new posts.

Like I stated before, I am not giving up on this blog carnival thang yet...