Monday, October 19, 2009

More Moodle

Moodle is quickly replacing the age old blackboard system.  There are several "free" tools out there that teachers and students can utilize to collaborate and contribute transparently with daily coursework.  Moodle has quickly become my personal tool of choice for hosting courses, promoting participation and collaboration amongst student and adult learners.  Here are a few helpful links for those starting out with Moodle or just looking to refine some Moodle skills.

Considerations for Implementing Moodle:

2 Minute Moodle Tutorials:

I have to admit I was a self-taught Moodler and I could have used some of these sites and tips.  Please feel free to share your experience(s) with Moodle.

1 comment:

  1. I almost forgot my new favorite "advanced" feature.

    Ever wonder what a SCORM file is or the IMS package option under resources?

    Check it out on
